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"The Earth"  Sort by

Volcano Apocalypse

   2021    Science
Beneath Yellowstone National Park, lies the biggest volcano on Earth. An eruption in the past was so big it plunged the earth into a volcanic winter that lasted years. A super-eruption would be more than millions of Hiroshima bombs going off all at once. It would be even worse than an asteroid impact: Entire cities lost beneath ash, people and animals crushed alive, power networks destroyed, sun dimmed across the globe, harvests failed, widespread famine. Could this nightmare really happen? We will use the latest scientific data to uncover the danger beneath us, as we see our planet like never before.
Series: X-Ray Earth

Patagonia: The Ends of the Earth

   2021    Nature
At the far tip of South America, lies a magical realm that seems frozen in time. Known as 'the end of the world', this is Patagonia. Vast glaciers shaped it into an Eden like no other. Adaptable and resilient creatures evolved unique survival strategies to flourish across its remarkable habitats. From precipitous mountain citadels and icy desert plateaus windswept steppe uplands through remote, primal forests to a mosaic of glacial valleys. To thrive here is to be as extreme as the land itself.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet

Clean Our Air

   2021    Nature
We routinely talk about healthy food and clean water, but how often do we spare a thought for what enters our lungs? The World Health Organization calls air pollution the silent killer. Air pollution is proven to shorten our lifetimes and it hits the vulnerable - children, the sick and the elderly - hardest of all.
Prince William, Sir David Attenborough and astronaut Naoko Yamazaki hear the personal stories of people who are directly affected by air pollution and show us incredible solutions.
Series: The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet

Revive Our Oceans

   2021    Nature
Seafood is a substantial part of the daily diet of over three billion people and oceans absorbs almost a third of all the greenhouse gases we emits. Buy the ocean it is not what it once was. Scenes of extraordinary ocean abundance now only exist in far-off places or in tales from the past. We urgently need to mend our relationship with our oceans and allow them to thrive once again.
Prince William, David Attenborough and Shakira find out about inspiring people and projects across the world that can help us stop damaging the oceans and enable their revival.
Series: The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet

Speed of Life

   2021    Nature
Will Smith discovers hidden worlds of fast and slow in the Earth's oldest desert. Worlds where things go so fast or so slow we don't even know they're happening. This hidden world of speed is everywhere, even 80 feet underwater. Hundreds of tiny anemones, anchored to the rocks, but film them patiently, then speed it up, and this miniature world comes to life. A lizard's tongue is one of the fastest movements in the entire animal kingdom. An orca creates a shock wave by slapping her tail and that pulse can travel through the water at more than a thousand miles an hour. to stuns the herrings she hunts.
Series: Welcome to Earth

Beyond Fear

   2021    Nature
Will Smith confronts his fear of nature on powerful white-water rapids in Iceland. "Over five expeditions, I've followed explorers into situations that were straight-up scary. It was worth it to discover the Earth's wonders. But your boy was tripping more than once. Because when I see wilderness, you know, nothing but nature, I get nervous because I don't understand it."
Series: Welcome to Earth


2009  Nature
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
Becoming Martian

Becoming Martian

2021  Technology
Clarkson Farm

Clarkson Farm

2021  Nature
Racism: A History

Racism: A History

2007  Culture


2020  History