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Extinction: The Facts

   2020    Nature
With a million species at risk of extinction, Sir David Attenborough explores how this crisis of biodiversity has consequences for us all, threatening food and water security, undermining our ability to control our climate and even putting us at greater risk of pandemic diseases.
Everything in the natural world is connected in networks that support the whole of life on earth, and we are losing many of the benefits that nature provides to us. The loss of insects is threatening the pollination of crops, while the loss of biodiversity in the soil also threatens plants growth.
Last year, a UN report identified the key drivers of biodiversity loss, including overfishing, climate change and pollution. But the single biggest driver of biodiversity loss is the destruction of natural habitats. Seventy-five per cent of Earth's land surface (where not covered by ice) has been changed by humans, much of it for agriculture, and as consumers we may unwittingly be contributing towards the loss of species through what we buy in the supermarket. Human activities like the trade in animals and the destruction of habitats drive the emergence of diseases. Disease ecologists believe that if we continue on this pathway, this year’s pandemic will not be a one-off event.

Pet Fooled

   2017    Technology
The film investigates the inner workings inside the commercial pet food industry, which has went largely unchallenged until now and Pet Fooled is made with an aim to expose its secrets and lack of transparency. Marketed toward humans, but made for consumers who can’t speak, pet food companies have learned how to navigate through verbiage and loopholes. The end result is a product that’s cheap and easy for them to make, while buyers are promised that they’re giving 'quality,' 'healthy,' and 'nutritious' food to their pets. Some veterinary professionals in the film link modern ailments found in pets, such as obesity and allergies, to diet.
Insights and knowledge are shared by multiple interviewees, including Dr. Karen Becker of Mercola Healthy Pets, Dr. Barbara Royal, founder of The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center and Oprah Winfrey’s veterinarian, Susan Thixton, founder of

Apocalypse Cow

   2020    Nature
In a provocative documentary, environmental campaigner George Monbiot examines the disastrous impact that farming animals for meat has had on the planet. He argues that the biggest problem driving us towards global disaster is how we feed ourselves, particularly on meat
George looks at alternative food sources, including synthetic meat, and a process that produces protein from just bacteria and air, and also explores revolutionary ideas that could change agriculture as we know it.

Lawyers, Guns and Honey

   2018    Nature
Honey has the greatest cachet in the marketplace, of all food items. A sweetener so natural, so exalted, that its value has held up for millennia. But honey is also perfect for savvy profiteers who are secretly cutting the world's honey with cheap substitutes. With demand for honey soaring just as bees are dying off in record numbers, hidden additives, hive thefts and other shady tactics are on the rise.
Series: Rotten

The Game Changers

   2018    Medicine
The film is produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan and documents the explosive rise of plant-based eating in professional sports, mixing real-time, groundbreaking science with cinematic stories of struggle and triumph. The film features some of the strongest, fastest and toughest athletes on the planet - and it's backed by them too - with additional EPs including Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton, top-ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic, and nine-time NBA All-Star Chris Paul.
Follow the story of James Wilks - elite Special Forces trainer and winner of The Ultimate Fighter - as he travels the world on a quest for the truth about meat, protein, and strength. Showcasing elite athletes, special ops soldiers, and visionary scientists. Wilks' journey exposes outdated myths about food that not only affect human performance, but the health of the entire global population.


   2018    Science
Every day Astronomers are finding a new planetary system that looks pretty similar to Earth. The possibilities of life somewhere else other than Earth I think are very high. If there is life out there what would it be like? Could we talk to it? Is there anything out there like you and me? To find out, we can't just look into space, we also need to look down here.
The story of how a miraculous event transformed life on Earth into a complex interconnected food web; Astronauts and experts question other intelligent life in the universe.
Series: One Strange Rock
Natural World

Natural World

2017  Nature
Chased by Sea Monsters

Chased by Sea Monsters

2003  Science


2009  Nature


2013  History
Secrets of the Dead

Secrets of the Dead

2017  History
Mind Field

Mind Field

2019  Medicine