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Why Islamic State expands so quickly

   2015    Culture
The self-proclaimed 'Islamic State' is a jihadi militia active in the north and east of Syria, and in the west of Iraq, which has shocked the world with its cinematic staging of horrific acts of violence and its unexpected advances towards statehood. But why could IS expand so rapidly?

Treasures of the Gods

   2014    Culture
Researchers discuss mythic ancient treasure and curses including King Solomon's Ring, lost Aztec treasure, and the Omphalos.
Series: Ancient Aliens

The Serpent and the Lotus

   2012    Culture
In ancient Greece the Asclepian healing temples recognized the power of the primordial spiral which is symbolized by the rod of Asclepius. To this day, this symbol of our evolutionary energy remains as the logo of the American Medical Association and other medical organizations worldwide. The snake, the downward direction, is the manifested spiral, the evolutionary energy of the world.
Series: Inner Worlds Outer Worlds

Are We All Bigots

   2015    Culture
If you had less than one second to make a life-or-death decision to shoot a man who might be armed with a lethal weapon, what would you do? Would the ethnicity of the man affect your decision? Are you sure? The outcome – whatever your race – will surprise you. Brain imaging studies are showing that negative cultural stereotypes hijack everyone’s subconscious decision-making. But some science says we can overcome bigotry through exposure, self-awareness and flexible social networks… and, most controversially of all, ultra-violent video games!
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 6

Monsters Recede but Never Vanish

   2020    Culture
As Michelle's loved ones cope with her sudden death, her work to unmask the Golden State Killer lives on. After inheriting Michelle's 37 boxes of case files, Paul Haynes and Billy Jensen work alongside Patton Oswalt, to finish her book.
Series: I Will Be Gone In The Dark

In the Shadow of Hitler

   2010    Art
There is a tendency to deny German culture the equal reverence of Italy or Spain, and this enlightening new series provides a wonderful opportunity to explore a great, yet often neglected, artistic tradition whose influence has been just as profound. Andrew Graham-Dixon concludes his exploration of German art by investigating the dark and difficult times of the 20th century. Dominating the landscape is the figure of Adolf Hitler, failed artist, would-be architect and obsessed with the aesthetics of his 1,000-year Reich". In a series of extraordinary building projects and exhibitions, Hitler waged a propaganda war against every form of modern art as a prelude to unleashing total war on the whole of Europe. After the war the shadow of the Third Reich persisted, Germany remained divided and traumatised. How would artists deal with a past that everybody wanted to forget? Journeying through the work of Otto Dix and George Grosz and the age of the Bauhaus to the post-war painters Georg Baselitz, Hilla Becher and the conceptual artist Joseph Beuys is a long and strange journey, but the signs that art has a place at the heart of the new reunited Germany are clearly visible.
Series: The Art of Germany


2020  History
Science and Islam

Science and Islam

2017  History
Enemies of Reason

Enemies of Reason

Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture
Nova Wonders

Nova Wonders

2018  Technology
Wild Russia

Wild Russia

2009  Nature