This compelling documentary delves into the life of Bryan Johnson, a wealthy entrepreneur determined to defy aging and achieve immortality. The film provides intimate access to Johnson's extreme wellness practices, including his $2 million annual investment in Project Blueprint, which encompasses over 100 daily supplements, strict dietary regimens, and experimental treatments like multi-generational plasma exchanges and gene therapy. The film not only showcases Johnson's relentless pursuit of youth but also examines the profound impact of his quest on his personal relationships and the ethical dilemmas surrounding radical life-extension efforts. Through expert interviews and candid footage, viewers are invited to contemplate the lengths one might go to challenge the natural aging process and the societal implications of such endeavors. Discover how magnate Bryan Johnson risks his body and fortune to defy aging and extend his life to unknown limits.
In this film, which spans all episodes of the series, Michael Mosley takes a fascinating journey around the human body to find out how it works. What makes our bodies work and what is really happening on the inside when they go wrong? Using the latest science and medical innovation, Michael delves inside our bodies to reveal the extraordinary marvels which lie within. In each episode, Michael is on the case to find out about a new breakthrough which is dramatically changing how we view or understand the human body. From how new organs might soon be 3D printed to gene therapies that promise to reverse blindness. From test that could predict heart problems years in advance to cold water swimming benefits and risks. Along the way, Michael delivers extra insight in his inimitable way, by offering up his own body for ground-breaking demonstrations. Made by an award winning science and factual production team, this series is packed full of amazing visuals and fascinating facts.
The film not only showcases Johnson's relentless pursuit of youth but also examines the profound impact of his quest on his personal relationships and the ethical dilemmas surrounding radical life-extension efforts. Through expert interviews and candid footage, viewers are invited to contemplate the lengths one might go to challenge the natural aging process and the societal implications of such endeavors. Discover how magnate Bryan Johnson risks his body and fortune to defy aging and extend his life to unknown limits.