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Galapagos: Enchanted Isles

   2021    Nature
600 miles off the coast of South America in the Pacific Ocean there are 120 tropical islands that erupted from the deep ocean floor more than 10 million years ago. Journey from the lava ramparts to its fiery heart, we'll discover how the Galapagos archipelago became one of the most important areas of biodiversity in the world.
Those swept here by storms and currents survived million to one odds to find untouched islands free from competition. These hardy pioneers evolved in remarkable ways in what's known as Nature's Greatest Experiment. Home to bizarre specialists and unexpected giants, the most precious collection of island creatures on Earth.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet

Bear Woodlands

   2020    Nature
In the boreal forests of Europe, a young brown bear clashes with wolves and tries to find a mate beneath the stars. On the edge of the Arctic Circle, lies an enchanted wilderness. In Europe's boreal forest, It's so far north that in winter, nights can last 20 hours. This woodland is home to a population of secretive bears that lives most of their lives in the dark. But now, using low-light cameras we can see their nighttime world as if it were day.
Series: Earth at Night in Color

Chimp Empire: Paradise

   2023    Nature
Dive into the heart of Uganda's Ngogo Forest, where a community of chimpanzees exhibits an intricate dance of politics, family ties, and territorial conflict. For a quarter-century, scientists and trackers have witnessed firsthand the chimps' evolving political dramas and familial bonds. Now, this series offers an unprecedented lens into this world, capturing the tribe's most defining moments: battles for dominance, growing offspring, budding romances, and the ever-shifting leadership. Join us for an intimate journey into the lives of the Ngogo chimps, where every day is a fight for survival and power. Don't miss this captivating look into the heart of the chimp empire.
The first episode delves into the captivating world of chimpanzees, drawing parallels with human existence. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on an enlightening journey into the lives of these primates, highlighting the profound similarities and unique stories they share with humans.
Series: Chimp Empire


   2023    Nature
Spring has sprung at Diddly Squat Farm, and that heralds the release of cows and chickens from their winter captivity. Jeremy's restaurant plans are in tatters, but that's not the end of his dealings with the council, who are also sending letters raising issues about what's being sold in the shop itself. From here on in, Jeremy decides that he and all around him must operate in a world of loop-holes and just-within-the-law cunning wheezes. Pepper the prized heifer still isn't pregnant and her last chance saloon arrives in the shape of a bull called Break Heart Maestro.
A chat with Alan the builder provides a Eureka Moment: the restaurant idea is not dead after all! There's much excitement as building work begins and Jeremy meets a chef called Pip. There's less excitement when he has to take his first steer to the abattoir.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2

Beyond Fear

   2021    Nature
Will Smith confronts his fear of nature on powerful white-water rapids in Iceland. "Over five expeditions, I've followed explorers into situations that were straight-up scary. It was worth it to discover the Earth's wonders. But your boy was tripping more than once. Because when I see wilderness, you know, nothing but nature, I get nervous because I don't understand it."
Series: Welcome to Earth

Power of Scent

   2021    Nature
On the trail of tiger sharks in the Pacific, Will Smith explores the power of smell. Sharks have a sense of smell that's hundreds of times more potent and accurate than that of humans. An enormous part of their brain is dedicated to smelling, to finding their way through the vast expanse of the ocean.
Series: Welcome to Earth
Through the Wormhole

Through the Wormhole

2011  Science
Life In Cold Blood

Life In Cold Blood

2008  Nature
Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm Season 2

2023  Nature
The Climate Wars

The Climate Wars

Nature Great Events

Nature Great Events

2009  Nature
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature