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The Origin of Life

   2024    Science    HD
The film, marking our first own production, embarks on an awe-inspiring journey, shedding light on one of science's most profound questions: How did life emerge from the non-living? With a focus on the intricate mechanisms that may have transformed simple molecules into the first microorganisms, this film explores the concept of a chemical evolution that meticulously selected increasingly complex molecules, eventually leading to the genesis of life. By delving into the pivotal role of RNA, viewers are invited to contemplate the plausibility of life spontaneously arising from the basic elements of the universe.
The documentary meticulously illustrates a potential pathway for the emergence of life, emphasizing the significance of ribozymes—RNA molecules with catalytic abilities—and their role in a prebiotic chemical evolution. The film posits a compelling argument for the natural processes that might have led to the formation of the first complex lipid vesicles, a critical step towards cellular life. By presenting a theory that bridges gaps in our understanding with scientific ingenuity, ‘The Origin of Life’ invites viewers on an intellectual adventure to discover the origins of existence itself.
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Power of Scent

   2021    Nature
On the trail of tiger sharks in the Pacific, Will Smith explores the power of smell. Sharks have a sense of smell that's hundreds of times more potent and accurate than that of humans. An enormous part of their brain is dedicated to smelling, to finding their way through the vast expanse of the ocean.
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The House of Special Purpose

   2019    History
Nicholas II abdicates, and civil war erupts. In May 1918, a year after the revolution, the Bolsheviks sent Anastasia, Alexei, Tatiana and Olga to join the rest of the family in Ekaterinburg. They're put in the Ipatiev mansion and It's given the name 'The House of Special Purpose.' As pro-royalist forces close in on the house where the Romanovs are imprisoned, the family's fate is sealed.
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Wild Cities

   2020    Nature
Each night, across the planet, our cities illuminate the darkness. Their lights burning brighter than ever before. And whilst we're asleep, animals are making the most of this new neon landscape. The sunset in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Toronto creates worlds of opportunities for the cleverest animals willing to take the risk.
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The Next Supernova

   2021    Science
There's a killer lurking in our galaxy, a star ready to explode into a supernova. Seen from Earth, a supernova in the Milky Wave would have a terrible beauty. But for us, it could be fatal. In a few seconds, it can release as much energy as the sun will over its entire lifetime. It could be anywhere. It is nearly impossible to predict where and when the next supernova will happen. The hunt is on to find the next supernova before it finds us.
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   2017    Culture
The sweet stuff. This "Best Of" episode of The Mind of a Chef takes a long, hard look at the cherry on top of a dining experience. On the list is burnt miso apple pie, the English classic Banoffee pie, sorghum ice cream. Grab a spoon.
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